Everybody's a Critic These Days!
An Internet Movie Critic that is!
Especially me, "Brother Kneumsi!"
- Click here for my review of X-Men (2000)! (Use your "Back" Button to return, man!)
- Click here for my review of the very unoriginal Planet Of The Apes (2001)! (You should really use that "Back" Button to return, man!)
- Click here for my review of Celebrity (1998)! (Hey, Use that "Back" Button to return! This means YOU, man!)
- Click here for my mouth watering review of THE ORIGINAL Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)! (You know how to use that "Back" button by now, right, man?)
- Click here for the ultimate (or at least fairly salty) review of the televison phenomenon Farscape (1999 - 2003)! (Sit a spell, take your shoes off... Back-Man!)
For More Info...
What does this really mean?
All definitions can be blamed on Merriam-Webster
- In·ter·net ('in-t&r-"net)
- an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world
- mov·ie ('mü-vE)
- a representation (as of a story) by means of motion pictures
- crit·ic ('kri-tik)
- one who engages often professionally in the analysis, evaluation, or appreciation of works of art or artistic performances
Really Deep Thoughts
- Resons why to become an Internet Movie Critic...
- Your voice can be heard!
- You can defend your favorite MOVIE!
- You can insult, defame, hose, and in all other ways trash your least favorite MOVIE!
- Reasons why NOT to become an Internet Movie Critic...
- Either way you choose to go, you have some stiff competition like...
Even Deeper Thoughts
To sum this all up for you!
- I am an almost completely unknown Internet Movie Critic called Brother Kneumsi, and these are some Films I've reviewed:
- X-Men (2000)!
- Planet Of The Apes (2001)!
- Celebrity (1998)!
- THE ORIGINAL Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992)!
- Farscape (1999 - Present)! (Yeah, I know it's TV, but that's Fun Too!)
- Maybe I'll be better known soon, who knows? Maybe Ed Wood will recieve a Postumous Oscar for Lifetime Achievement!
- Mirriam-Webster defines what I (sort of) do as
- In·ter·net ('in-t&r-"net)
- an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world
- mov·ie ('mü-vE)
- a representation (as of a story) by means of motion pictures
- crit·ic ('kri-tik)
- one who engages often professionally in the analysis, evaluation, or appreciation of works of art or artistic performances
- But I hate reading the Dictionary! I'm waiting for it to come out as a movie!
- You can be an Internet Movie Critic too!
- But remember, some mad HTML student might coopt your image too for a project like this one!
Either way you decide to go, I wish you good luck!
But if you decide to become an "IMC" be sure you email me your URL!
(I like to keep track of the monsters I help create!)
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